In one of my postings, I viewed life as a product and a bundle of benefits. In this edition, I will be discussing the need to communicate these benefits to others. Positioning is an important factor in personality development. Remember, you are in the best position to tell people what is good about you.
A lot in business is about perception, perception and perception. When Tiger Wood had a problem with his wife, the first decision that Accenture made was to withdraw their sponsorship. Why? The management didn’t want the brand to be associated with a man who is considered ‘unfaithful’ to his wife. What has that got to do with their business? – Perception. Accenture built their brand on integrity, and may not want their clients to see them as being behind a man that lacks integrity.
People’s perception of you, is the whole essence of positioning. In Marketing, Positioning is an act of strategically communicating your distinctive features or characters to others. Put in another way, you tell your story how you want it told by others.