Monday, 24 June 2013

Mobile Money Growing in Kenya

Kenya is fast becoming one of African's leading hi-tech countries. It has encouraged technological landmarks like the first African electric car, and it is exploring the most of modern technological gadgets especially mobile technology.

In recent times, there has been a considerable growth of mobile technology users since 2011 in Kenya, the country will be providing Visa card-swiping machines that are attached to mobile phones  to is small business owners.

According to a report from African Business, Kenyan card users grew by 20% to 6m from 2011 to 2012 and point-of-sale usage rose to 15% from 10%, with cash-machine visits making up the rest of the $6bn transacted last year and Visa's client banks increased 39% to 25.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Briefly On Business: Can You State Your Strategy Statement?

One major problem most business executives encounter is to briefly state their company's strategy statement. No company can operate successfully without having a clear statement about their strategy.

Researchers have identified three components of a successful strategy statement: objective, scope, and advantage.

Strategic Objective
This identifies the factors that drive the business over the next few years.

Strategic Scope
A firm's scope encompasses three dimensions: customer or offering, geographic location, and vertical integration.
Boundaries make it easy to identify which activities the firm should concentrate on and which they shouldn't.

Strategic Advantage
A strategic Advantage shows what makes the company unique and different in the market.

With a clear definition of your strategy, formulation and implementation become infinitely easier-the statement will be easier to communicate, and will empower your people to raise the performance of your organization.

-- I Spring 2013 I Harvard Business Review OnPoint

Monday, 29 April 2013

Why Customer Care is Important

Some reasons why customer care is important  were highlighted in a survey carried out by the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) in 2009.  

Their main conclusions were:
    Only 1 customer in 10 with grounds for complaint actually does so.
    Those customers who experience problems tell between 8 and 15 people about the problems, whether or not they have formally complained.

    9 out of 10 people who complain and have a problem that is not dealt with satisfactorily will never buy again from that supplier, or do so as a last resort.

    9 out of 10 people who complain and have a problem that is dealt with satisfactorily will buy again from that supplier. In fact, they rate the supplier higher than if the problem never occurred in the first place

    It costs 5 times more to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one.

5 Characteristics of Businesses that provide high standard Customer Care

Customer service is an integrate part of an successful business. It is important to any business serious about the welfare of its customers, and it has proved to be a good tool for increasing sales, building customer loyalty and profit making in the long run.

Frank Atkinson identified the hallmarks of businesses that are serious about taking care of their customers

  1. They  provide value for their customers. You want your customers to have the best product or service that their money can buy.
  2. They follow up on customers. They provide after service to help customers maximize the benefits of the product or service
  3. They provide a friendly environment for business. Customers love dealing with friendly businesses
  4. They respond quickly. They know the impact of not attending to customers' demands on any business, hence they are quick to attend to any enquiries.
  5. They do regular appraisal. They appraise their  services regularly in order to improve on customer  experience through their products or services.
We are all customers, treat your customers they way you want other businesses to treat you.