Friday, 11 January 2013


Scott Odigie, Guest Writer

It is not enough to be busy… 
The question is: What are we busy about?
-          Henry David Thorean
In life, there are three things that dignifies a man; Faith, Family, and Work. There is a level of responsibility and discipline each demand, and it is expected that there should be a balance when sharing the limited resources (like time, money etc) available to an individual among the three. Even culturally speaking, after you are asked about your family the next thing is your work. Why? Work shows how responsible you are; it is a yard stick for measuring how resourceful you are as a person within a society.
In an ever competitive and challenging society, the worth of a man is measured by the value he is able to create from the bunch of activities that he is engaged in. Creating such values could come from redefining productivity as it relates to your habit and attitude towards work which means achieving more results with available resources. Productive people achieve more with less, they bring out the best result from each activity they undertake.
Unfortunately, many people are busy without being productive. They are engaged in various activities, but with little accomplishment.  It all boils down to your attitude to work or the work habit you have developed over time. If you have a negative attitude towards work, that is having little or no value for work; it affects your productivity level. Work tends to require one major resource – Time, and sometimes it creates an imbalance in a man’s life that make faith and family to be sidelined.

Here are 9 ways to become productive at work.
  1. Work with strategy
Engage your mind, think and develop strategies that will make you work smarter. It is importance you identify the essential activities, and the best way to accomplish them. A good strategy helps you create the best method of achieving your goals.

  1. Work with priority
According to Leo Babauta, “Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest. Productivity simply means working with the understanding of what is important to you and your organization, and what adds more value.

  1. Work with diligence
Concentrate your efforts on your current task. A persistent effort in doing something is what produces result. Work as if your life depends on that work, put in energy and be proud of what you are doing.

  1. Work with optimism
Expect the best from your effort. Being optimistic is an attitude you can develop. Don’t just work for the sake of work, but work with optimism and hope for a better result.

  1. Work with excitement
How enthusiastic are you about your work? Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration. This is an attitude that helps you to feel your work, smell it and even taste it from afar. There are many individuals that are not happy with what they do. You can’t be excited about your work and not be productive.
  1. Work as a steward
Work with the mindset that you are accountable to someone, and that you must show your score card at the end of your task. Whether you are managing your business or you were appointed or employed to oversee a task, having that sense of accountability helps you to track your achievements.

  1. Work synergistically
Nothing replaces good relationship in the workplace. Developing the mindset of working in a cooperative or an interactive manner enhances productivity because the combined effort of the group is greater than individual effort. This means to work with value, respect and unity with your colleagues

  1. Work tirelessly
Develop your mind to be your motivator, and draw strength from within you. Work with a drive and without any form of discouragement

  1. Work with target
Set goals, and challenge yourself to achieve it. When a man doesn’t know where he is going, every where looks like it. There must an anticipated level of measuring productivity.

Sometimes focusing and doing little is more rewarding than doing more. It is all about your attitude rather than the work itself. You must make a decision today to value your work.

Scott Odigie is a Public Speaker and Professional Trainer 
on Personal Development, Organisation Motivation and Strategic leadership

Monday, 10 September 2012

Why small Businesses in Nigerian may never compete globally

Can small businesses in Nigeria ever compete globally? If a product cannot compete locally, can it compete globally? It is difficult to answer such questions in an economy where excellence is not a virtue. Nigeria has one of the most liberal economies that any entrepreneur can survive in, though there may be unstable policies, it may not be enough to hinder competitiveness. We have professionals and experts in various fields of life, but how many of our products and services reflect such professionalism and expertise. Don’t blame the average Nigerian consumer if they are not buying ‘Made in Nigeria’ products. They want something more than just the product; they want a product with a touch of excellence.
There are businesses that have been in existence for over ten years yet they cannot be compared in terms of professionalism and profitability with other businesses with fewer opportunities in other countries. So what is the problem? – Expertise. If there is a success factor missing in most small businesses in Nigeria, it is in the area of competence. Many of the entrepreneurs are into business without knowing the trade. They are not just experts at what they do. They are in business to survive. They may have the skill, but they lack the expertise required to deliver a satisfactory service or product, hence, the lack of confidence in local products. Could this be the reason for the slow rate of business growth despite the huge business opportunities in this country? To a large extent – yes, you cannot grow in the world of business if you don’t have the competence to satisfy your customers.
When an average consumer demands for a product or service, he relies on the professional advice of the seller to get the desired satisfaction. The consumers can actually get the same product from anywhere, but they chose to buy from a more expensive seller or service provider because of the level of professionalism and touch of excellence delivered.
When foreign businesses charge extra for the same product consumers can get locally, and the consumers are ready to pay, it means there is something about the foreign product that the local one doesn’t have. Does it mean Nigerian products are inferior? NO, we still have products that are very good but whether they can compete with global brands in terms of quality is a question for another day. However, it is a pointer to upcoming entrepreneurs to
  • Adopt global strategies in their local business
  • Acquire more knowledge in the area of their businesses
  • Show their competence in the product and service delivery.
Being competent at what you do set you in the right direction towards being a customer oriented, global focus and profitable entrepreneur. Master your skill, be effective and efficient at what you do, people pay for your competence not just you or your product. If you are not ready for business, don’t waste your time and that of others guess-working. Go professional in your business, make your customers happy and always remember you can do business in a global way even in your locality.

Friday, 31 August 2012

How to develop a unique selling proposition for your business

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Have you ever wondered why Apple products command a cult follower-ship? The answer is simple – they have distinguished themselves through innovation. Apple may not be the biggest phone maker or laptop manufacturer, but the company has a market share that no other company can take away from them. They do not compete on price, in fact their prices are higher yet, and their customers are loyal to them for one reason – their innovative products.
Competition is getting in tensed by the day, more products chase fewer consumers and everyday, consumers are given more opportunities to make choices in satisfying the same need with the same product. So the big question now is whose product will they pick? The product they will pick is dependent on one thing – that unique value you are offering them. 

In business, creating a compelling unique selling proposition is a strategy that puts you above board. Many businesses fail to penetrate the market because they lack that extra value that will make the consumers abandon competition’s products for theirs. They wonder why consumers will not buy a quality product even at the best price. The consumers will not buy because there is not distinguishing your product from the rest in the market.

Creating unique selling proposition involves the following:

Identifying the needs of your consumers
Consumers’ needs are the basis for creating a unique value that will drive a business. You identify the need you want to satisfy, and then find a better way to do it better than competitors. You can start by asking what the competitor is doing for them that you can do better. What part of their need is unmet? What are they always complaining about? etc.

Turning those needs into promises?
Every consumer wants that assurance that his or her needs will be solved, and that is what your product or service is out to do. Your product or service is a promised solution to the consumer. To turn a need into a promise, you have to develop the capacity to satisfy that need. Any need that you cannot turn into a promise, cannot be a USP

Keep your side of the bargain
There is nothing a consumer hates like being disappointed. Don’t make a promise that you cannot keep. USP is a promise and guarantee, and you wouldn’t want your consumers to be disappointed because you failed to fulfill a promise you made to them.
When you fail to keep to your promise, the competitor can take advantage of your lapses to cut your market share.

Always remind your consumers about your promises
Let every part of your business reflect the promise or the value proposition. Advertise it, talk about it at every opportunity, always make it a duty to remind the consumer the promise you have made to satisfy his or her need uniquely.

Finally, you don’t have to be the best to succeed in business; all you need is to create an extra value that your consumers will be willing to pay for.